a few hours away from the office in nearby Sicao, just to the north of
Tainan. The many aquaculture ponds and the odd bit of ‘unused’ wetland
can be quite productive. Pondering the conflict between the aims of the
newly formed Taijiang National Park and the sprawling edges of urban
Tainan. Moan, moan...
addition to the obvious ponds visible from the main road (#17), I’ve
found the most reliable spots to be on the western side of the road.
Before getting to Qigu, turn left at the fire station, Half way to the
refuse incinerator, wander out among the ponds and ditches.
Not much new to over-excite me: I don’t think I have previously recorded Ruddy Shelduck (5), and a single Yellow Bittern.
Also seen in Sicao:
Black-faced Spoonbill, Coot, Grebe, WB Waterhen, Moorhen Oriental Magpie-Robins, various Gulls (have overlooked recording Caspian), B Shrike, Magpie, Myna, Egrets: Large, Intermediate, Little, and Cattle. Heron: Striated, Grey, Black--crowned Night, Little Grebe, Pheasant-tailed Jacana, Sacred Ibis Various doves: Spotted, Red-collared, and the previously un-noted Eurasian Collared-Dove. Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Common Redshank, Pacific Golden Plover, Kentish P, other tedious creatures in winter plumage.... Various ducks including: Tufted, N Pintail, Green-winged T, Garganey, N Shoveller, E Wigeon, Spot-billed, Green-winged, Pied Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, Common Kingfisher, Tree Sparrow, Prinia Plain and Yellow Light-vented Bulbul, Japanese White-eyes, Scaly-breasted Munia,
Birds of most days in Sicao are the plentiful Pied Avocets - lovely birds, never tire of seeing them!
the weekend I will be working in northern Taiwan. Looking forward
to finding some really good birds along the way - up high, and along the North
Monday February 13th I was guiding a non-birder around the north coast.
We were blessed with unseasonal good weather (northern Taiwan, in
contrast to southern Taiwan, is often grey in winter), and I was
fortunate to be allowed to check out a couple nice places.
Jinshan reported vagrant Common Mergansers had already moved on,
instead I met a group of friendly Taiwanese bird photographers pointing
their expensive Canons, Nikons etc at a Bull-headed Shrike and resting
Black-tailed Gulls. Jinshan Wetland (also known as Chingshui Wetland) is
a rough mix of fields and ponds just on the south side of Jinshan Town,
on the north coast of Taiwan, in New Taipei City (the stupid new name
for Taipei County). If passing the area, it is worth a look around.
had a very nice stroll at Yeliou Geo-park. Very little bird life to see
at this time of year (other than a black morph Reef Egret nearby - pictured). At
migration time, and especially after inclement weather, this high
promontory can be productive. Also good for pelagics. Don’t be put off
by the horrible car parking area entrance - lots of people visit for the
rock formations. Usually human-free at the most distant lookout spot.
travelled back to Taipei City over Yangmingshan - the mountainous
national park to the north of Taipei City.. The Formosan Blue Magpies
were to be seen around the National Park Headquarters and lower down
around Front Mountain Park.
met up with frisbee-throwing friends in a very, very busy, Danan Park,
downtown Taipei City on Sunday afternoon. To some derision I sneaked away to look at the
heavily photographed Black-naped Herons in the pleasant artificial pond.
Some Taiwanese birders were focused on a Forest Wagtail in the NW
corner of the park. Caught a glimpse of it - but not the Brown-headed
Thrush also apparently loitering.
unable to escape downtown Taipei for Guandu, Hua-jiang, or Wulai - Daan (Da-an) is not bad for
bird-watching. Better is Taipei Botanical Garden. Common species to
watch out for here include: Malayan Night-heron, Moorhen, White-breasted
Waterhen, Tree Sparrows, Light-vented (Chinese) Bulbuls, Spotted Doves,
Himalayan Treepie, Black Bulbul, Taiwan Barbet, Scimitar Babbler,
Black-naped Blue Monarch, Little Grebe. If lucky, Crested Goshalk and
various cagebirds escapees/Buddhist releasees may be spotted.
last minute opportunity arose for me to bird Kinmen properly for first
time. The trigger for going on February 10/11/12 was a rumor of a
Spoon-billed Sandpiper. I didn’t find the sandpiper but was not
disappointed in any other way with Kinmen - or the fantastic bird life
there. I highly recommend it both for the dedicated birder and new-bees -
lots of great birds are very visible.
Choosing a highlight is difficult:
Could it be the Kingfishers and Hoopoes?
Or the thousands of Cormorants and tiny Sunbird?
Or the many general-interest architecture/historical/military sights at easy reach?
known as Jinmen or Quemoy, Kinmen is is a pair of Taiwan-controlled
islands just of the coast of China. Its ‘interesting history’ has left
it very rural and the enviroment in good shape - in contrast to the cities
just across the narrow strait in bandit Fujian. Much of Kinmen is
designated national park. It is easy to fly there from several cities in
Taiwan, or by ferry from the Chinese city of Xiamen. Note: you will
need a Chinese visa prepared in advance if wanting to cross to Xiamen.
got around by motor-scooter rented at the airport (bring your driving
licence), also possible to rent cars or bicycles. The public bus system
seems good. Easiest to stay in Jincheng Town. Maps available at airport,
good bilingual signposting, bring Bradt or Lonely Planet. If you use
common sense around the handful of uncleared minefields (marked - don’t enter...are
you that stupid?) and the many military installations (no climbing over
walls or razor wire...) you will have no problems.
has a subtropical maritime climate. Winter and spring/fall
migration-time, are the best seasons to visit. A summer highlight is the
Blue-tailed Bee-eater.
birded Kinmen and Little Kinmen (aka Lieyu, regular ferries from
Shueitou Dock) intensively over two half days and one full day. The
weather was cool (cold since riding scooter) on the second day, dry
throughout. Most parts of the islands were good for birds - favorite
places included the tidal flats near Jincheng, Lake Ci, Shuangli
Wetlands, Tiendun Aqua-farms near Shamei, and the lakes on the western
side of Little Kinmen. I suggest targeting the many wetland areas, the
estuaries just north of Jincheng and south of Lake Ci, and exploring
random small roads through farms. All good!
Birds seen:
Duck - several; Wigeon several; Mallard - 2 on Little Kinmen;
Green-winged Teal - many at numerous locations; Eastern Spot-billed Duck
- common at numerous locations; Northern Shoveler - several at larger
lakes; Northern Pintail - several at Lake Ci; Gargeny; Common Pochard - 5
at Qionglin Dam; Tufted Duck - several noted; Ring-necked Pheasant -
not the subspecies in Taiwan proper, over 20 easily seen at several
locations; Little Grebe 10+; Great Crested Grebe - several at Lake Ci;
Great Cormorant - small numbers noted in many locations, thousands
roosting on the trees on the north and west shore of Lake Ci - stunning
sight; Grey Heron - 10+; Great Egret 30+; Intermediate Egret 20;
Little Egret; Chinese Pond Heron - 5 seen at various locations;
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 25; Black-faced Spoonbill - 2 seen at
Lingshui Lake Little Kinmen, apparently the only two this year, similar
to last year; Osprey - 1 near Tiendun; Common Buzzard - 3 in different
locations; Black-belled Plover; Pacific Golden Plover - 3; Lesser
Sand-Plover; Greater Sand-Plover; Kentish Plover; Little Ringed Plover;
Eurasian Oystercatcher - 3 at ebb tide on sandbar near Jincheng;
Black-winged Stilt - 4 seen on inland side of Ci Lake, rare on Kinmen;
Green Sandpiper; Common Greenshank; Common Redshank; Whimbrel; Far
Eastern Curlew; Eurasian Curlew; Ruddy Turnstone; Sanderling; Red-necked
Stint; Dunlin; Common Snipe;
Black-headed Gull; Oriental Turtle-dove -
about 6; Red Collared-Dove 30+; Spotted Dove - common; Greater Coucal - 7
seen in various locations, skulking; Lesser Coucal - 1 seen on farm
near Jinning; Common Kingfisher - 4 seen; White-throated Kingfisher -
about 7 seen near ponds; Black-capped Kingfisher - about 7 seen; Pied
Kingfisher - 3 seen; Eurasian Hoopoe - over 100 easily seen at many
locations, great bird!; Eurasian Wryneck - 1 near car park at National
Park HQ, 1 in forest near Ohtsu; Brown Shrike - 1 seen near Tai Lake,
unusual at this time I think; Long-tailed Shrike - 50+ easy seen in many
locations, different variety to Taiwan’s; Black Drongo - 1 seen on
Little Kinmen, rare here in winter; Carrion Crow - 1 seen; Collared Crow
- about 7 seen near cattle farms; Oriental Skylark;
Light-vented Bulbul
- very common everywhere!; Dusky Warbler - 3 or 4 observed; Pallas’s
Leaf-Warbler - 5-10 seen in different habitats; Yellow-browed Warbler;
Oriental Reed-Warbler; Yellow-bellied Prinia; Plain Prinia; Oriental
Magpie-Robin - common everywhere, lovely bird, rare on Taiwan proper;
Daurien Redstart - many seen in various habitats, more common than on
Taiwan; Blue Rock-thrush - one seen near National Park Rushan area;
Stonechat - 1 at Mashan; Blue Whistling-thrush 2 seen, 1 on Little
Kinmen, 1 near Tiendun; Scaly Thrush - 1 in forest near Ohtsu; Eurasian
Blackbird - over 10 seen in various places with flocks of Mynas; Pale
Thrush -1; Dusky Thrush; Hwamei - 1; Japanese White-eyes - many seen in
many locations; Black-collared Starling; Chestnut-cheeked Starling;
White-shoulder Starling - 1, rare in winter; Fork-tailed Sunbird - 3
seen in the flowering trees next to Rushan NP visitor car park; Eastern
Yellow Wagtail; Gray Wagtail; White Wagtail - 30+ different subspecies
from Taiwan proper; Olive-backed Pipit - 1 or 2; Black-faced Bunting -
about 10 in several places; Oriental Greenfinch - about 10 on fruiting
trees on south side of Ci Lake breakwater; Yellow-billed Grosbeak - also
about 10 in same location as Greenfinchs; Eurasian Tree Sparrow -
common; Scaly-breasted - 2 small flocks.
Note, some of these birds are difficult or impossible to see on Taiwan proper.
a morning (February 6th) trying to get a glimpse of birds while driving
the wife (not a birder) and daughter (indoctrinating) around the scruffy hills of Taiping, Greater
Taichung. We stayed the night before in a guesthouse just off #136.
sunny weather. A representative, not too exciting, collection of birds
for this kind of habitat 30 minutes out of urban Taiwan. Highlights for
the wife were 6 Crested Serpent Eagles at close range, for me was what
looked like a female Siberian Stonechat crossed with a Daurian Redstart scooting around the grounds of
the guesthouse - the Stonechat is rare here and no recent reports exist.
Other birds: 6 Red Dove, 1 Barbet, 20+ Light-vented Bulbuls, 10+ Black
Bulbuls, 20+ Japanese White-eyes, 3 White Wagtails, 2 Plumbceous
Redstarts, 1 male Grey-throated Minivet, 6 Little Egret, 10+ Tree
Sparrows, 1 Peregrine Falcon, 15+ Scaly-breasted Munia, 3 Brown Shrike, 3
Black Drongo, 5+ Pacific Swallow, 5+ Plain (Grey-throated) Martin
(overlooked before), 4 Spotted-necked Dove.
After this we went for a stroll through Tonglin Village in Wufong Area - good for Fairy Pitta in a couple months.
New Birds in Taiping, Taichung:
Grey-Throated (formerly in Plain) Martin Riparia chinensis Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maurus
passing through Dongshr Town I resisted the temptation to wander up
towards Dasyueshan - Fork-tailed Sunbirds have been reported at the
23.5km mark. Something else was planed.
a short diversion to the Shrgang Reservoir, not for the handful of Grey
Herons, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Egrets, and Grebes but to twitch the
Scaly-sided Mergansers
present. Quite rare in Taiwan, there were 3 (1 male, 2 female) visible -
as reported on the CWBF website. From our viewpoint in the middle of
the dam wall, they were to be seen (in the scope) in the water to our
north-east. Also a single Osprey on south side.
is between the eastern end of Freeway 4 and Dongshr. To get to the dam,
turn of road #3 (normal road, not freeway) just east of km mark 165.
end the (increasingly chilly) afternoon we went to the western end of
Freeway #4 and the much-abused Gaomei Wetlands on the south side of the Dajia Rive rivermouth. Directions: Freeway #4
blends into highway #17, just as it goes under an elevated highway
(#61) there are signs for Gaomei Wetlands. Turn right here, cross the railway tracks and immediatly turn left - under the elevated highway, and
towards the windmills. The road narrows and veres north before the
windmills. Possible to make a loop north-east-south back to #17.
generally ignored the waders on the seaward side of the embankment
(could be some good stuff there) and instead had a look at the tatty
plowed fields/small ponds/graves/wasteland on the landward side. Had
good views of 6 Red-billed Starlings. Also 10 Black-faced Bunting,
Common Snipe, 1 Kestrel, 1 Ruddy-breasted Crake.
New Birds at Shrgang Reservoir and Gaomei Wetlands:
started the February 3rd at Huisun Forest Recreation Area. After two
days of just about perfect weather it was a bit disappointing to have
rain overnight and to wake to a chillier, overcast world.
Formosan Blue Magpie
was slow but we managed to get some of the target birds (1 Malayan
Night-heron, 6 Formosan Magpie (only in high trees) without too much
trouble. Also present were many Grey Treepies, Yuhinia, Sibia, Black
Bulbuls, and a pair of Grey-chinned Minivet.
birds missed included Varied Tit (usually here), Maroon Oriole, and Brown Dipper. Oh
well, those blue magpies first thing in the morning work well for
someone in magpie-free Tainan.
Road # 21 between Huisun and the intersection with #8 we encountered 2
Crested Serpent-eagles, and 1 Oriental Honey Buzzard. New Birds at Huisun:
Malayan Night-Heron Gorsachius melanolophus Formosan Magpie Urocissa caerulea Endemic species Oriental Honey-buzzard Pernis ptilorhynchus Gray-chinned Minivet Pericrocotus solaris
back down towards Puli Town I impulsively decided to check out some of
the small wet fields and plantations below the road around km mark 63.
Turned out to be a lot of fun.
saw 20+ Scaly-breasted Munia, 7 Grey Wagtails, 10+ Pacific Swallows, 20
Little Egrets, 5+ Cattle Egrets, 1 Plain Prinia, White-vented Myna,
Dark Drongo, Little-ringed Plover, Yellow Wagtail.
Puli we had a short late afternoon diversion to Lienhuachih with hopes
of finding Plain Flowerpeckers, instead lots of Japanese White-eyes, 3
Plumbeous Redstarts, 1 White-bellied Green Pigeon, 3 Dusky Fulvetta, 1
Eyebrowed Thrush, 5+ Black Bulbul 10+ Tree Sparrow, Prinia species,
Swallow/Martin species (ignored), Black Drongo.
(Bei-dong-yen Mountain) is a marvelous place but is down Taiwan’s worst
road (Taiwan’s roads are usually in great condition), and could be be
much better if it was normally easier to access the last few km by car -
and stay overnight. The mountain is owned by Chung Hsing University,
and like Meifeng is dedicated to researching high elevation
horticulture. Most
of the mountain is excellent secondary forest and well protected from
abusive development. In sharp contrast, the road to, and beyond
Beidongyenshan is shameful - the rotten condition of the road is largely
due to reckless farming methods. Be prepared for deep ruts, mud and
blockages in wet weather. Also possible (if brave enough) to access via
#? that bisects the Blue Gate Trail. Access
is on #89 (Lising Road 力行產業道路) which starts 4km up from Wushe. It has
signposts (and maps) indicating this is a sensible route to Lishan and
Fushoushan Farm - DON’T - if you need to get to Lishan, go via Hehuan
Mountain and Dayuling. The entrance to Beidongyenshan is on the left,
8.5km in from #14A. After 1.5km you come to a locked wooden gate, park
here and walk up the good concrete road.
km from the wooden gate you come to the first tea plantation and lower
‘dorm’ with great views of the Xue (Snow) Mountains. Another 1.5km gets you to the upper greenhouses and plantations.
At multiple stages of the walk up we were encountering Swinhoe
Pheasants - almost (well not really at all) became a trash bird The area
up to and around the communications tower was sensibly managed, and was
very productive for birds and Muntjac (Barking Deer). Why couldn't all
agriculture work like this!
seen: 30+ Yuhinia, 10+ Yellow Tit, 5 Taiwan (Hill) Partridge, Mountain
Scops Owl (heard only), 5+ Green-backed Tit, 1 White-backed Woodpecker,
3+ Collared Bush Robin, 10+ Sibia, 20+ Golden Parrotbill (can be tricky,
very pleased to for them to run into us), 1 Arctic Warbler, 2
White-browed Shortwing, 2 Ashy Wood Pigeon, 2 Crested Serpent Eagle, 10+
Black-throated Tit, 5+ Rufous-capped Babbler, 20+ Grey-cheeked
Fulvetta, 1 Eurasian Nuthatch, about 10 Asian House-martin (probably
overlooked before), Swallows, 4 Flamecrest (relieved to get - can be
tricky. See right.), 1 Strong-footed Bush Warbler (heard well at close range for
long time, but terrible views)
On the way there from #14A: Bronzed Drongo, Plumbeous Redstart, 1 Taiwan Whistling Thrush.
If possible arrange (I may be able to help) to stay in the stunning located wooden cabin ‘dorm’ on the farm.
New Birds:
Taiwan Partridge Arborophila crudigularis Endemic species Golden Parrotbill Paradoxornis verreauxi "Endemic subspecies (P. v. morrisonianus)" Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis White-browed Shortwing Brachypteryx montana "Endemic subspecies (B. m. goodfellowi)" Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea Asian House-Martin Delichon dasypus Flamecrest Regulus goodfellowi Endemic species